This is Alison today. A recent photo taken at the age of 61, living life to the full. Hoping to inspire and encouraging a healthier way of life for everyone.
Alison is a dedicated and enthusiastic individual whose life revolves around her unwavering commitment to diet, health, and the art of juicing. With a relentless pursuit of well-being, she has made it her mission to understand the intricacies of nutrition, exercise, and the rejuvenating power of fresh juices.

Alison’s journey began as a personal quest for a healthier lifestyle, but it quickly transformed into a profound obsession. Her insatiable curiosity led her to devour books, research studies, and consult with experts in the field of nutrition, fitness, and juicing. She is a voracious learner, constantly seeking the latest insights and breakthroughs in the world of diet and health.
As a testament to her dedication, Alison has not only transformed her own life but has also inspired others to embark on their own journeys towards a healthier existence, all while harnessing the revitalizing benefits of juicing. She has a knack for simplifying complex health concepts, making them accessible to those around her, and she’s a guru when it comes to crafting delicious and nutritious juice recipes.
In a world where wellness has become an integral part of daily life, Alison stands out as a beacon of knowledge and motivation, emphasizing the role of juicing in maintaining health. Her unwavering focus on diet, health, and the art of juicing serves as an inspiration to many, demonstrating the transformative power of commitment to one’s well-being. Alison’s journey is not just about her own health but also about sharing the gift of vitality, knowledge, and the joys of juicing with those fortunate enough to cross her path.
Alison’s Backstory – in her own words – Part 1
I am going back to 1995, wow long time ago but a time I will never forget. I was 12 stone, don’t even like typing it! This is a very honest account of my life back then. I was not happy, didn’t like myself at all. Wearing a size 14, I hated shopping for clothes because of the size, always thought people were staring at me, they probably weren’t but that is how it was back then. I wore the same clothes over and over again, black pleated skirt which had an elastic waist band, few tops, that was it.
Kim, life long friend had put on weight as well and wanted to lose a few pounds, trust me she didn’t need to lose much, not like me. She had seen a Slimming Club near to where we lived, Slimming Club Magazine, always thought it was a strange name, anyway we went. There were about 30 ladies, all different shapes and sizes. Of course the worst bit was yet to come, getting weighed, as we all know! Lets try and have a wee before the weigh-in, in the hope that you can lose half stone! Large queue outside the ladies, amazing, I was not alone, hope you are smiling at this point, its all true!
Weighing in at 12 Stone, I was not happy but it was the first step to a healthier way of life. Kim weighed in at 10 Stone, lucky sod.

Diet was simple, choose what you like from breakfast choice, 2 slices of toast with Marmite, or 1 Weetabix with small banana, lunch was low calorie sandwich under 350 calories and a low fat yoghurt and dinner was Weight Watchers frozen meal with salad, I actually really like these, the menu included one of the following chocolate treats, things were looking up as I have a sweet tooth. The chocolate choices were small Kit-Kat, 2 custard creams, or half Flyte bar, do you remember those Flyte bars, no longer around. So I did this for one week, thought this isn’t going to work, but do it anyway, I didn’t want to waste my £2.50 per week at the weigh-in. So, the following week back in the queue at the toilets, I had lost 2lb. Kim had also lost the same amount. I was completely gobsmacked, Kim and I were happy ladies. I am attaching a picture of me when I had started to lose the weight, it is the only one I could find from all those years ago.
Part 2
So, after the first week was over I did everything I could to make this diet work. It was not difficult to stick to the plan, I kept it simple, never missed out on any chocolate. The weight kept coming off, week after week 1 to 2lb, every time I saw those pounds come off, I was amazed. Kim was also doing well, we actually lost the same amount of weight each week which was strange as we only saw each other on the weigh-in days at the Club.
The weeks turned into a month, next thing 2 months had gone and so did the black pleated skirt that I had been attached to. I opened the door to my wardrobe and all the clothes came out. One night I spent all evening trying on clothes I had not worn for about 3 years. I danced round the bedroom to Barry Manilow, yes I did say Barry Manilow, can’t help it. It was a great feeling.
I had a very good friend Barbara, who has now died, she made me go out on a Friday to a club where there was dancing, that 90s music, it brings back many memories writing this. You know what it is like you see all the same faces, but most of them you don’t speak to. Well those strangers were actually coming up to me and asking how I had lost the weight, it was great, think I inspired some ladies to lose a few pounds.
Kim had reached her her target weight after 3 months but still came with me to the Slimming Club as she enjoyed it so much and it kept her on track.
This is the last bit of my story from all those years ago, Month 4 was here and after sticking to the very simple diet I lost 3st in 4 months. It was incredible in such a short time, but it worked. My target was 9st but I actually went down to 8st 12lb. I stayed at that weight for about 10 years, occasionally put a couple of pounds on, but I always returned to the trusty diet from 1995 with Slimming Club Magazine. I will never ever forget that time in my life.
It was only after I lost the weight that I decided to take up jogging, it wasn’t far, I ran for 20 to 30 minutes 6 days a week, I wasn’t very fast, but got into it and enjoyed seeing my reflection as I passed windows and doors on the streets, gosh that sounds really bad, but its true.
This was me, below reaching target of 8st 12lb I have my arm over the chair, this was taken at a Christmas party with some of the other girls from the Club. As you can see, my smile says it all. After 4 months I was a completely different person.
While at work one day a member of staff came up to me while I was copying some documents. He was a bit stuck for words, men! I turned and asked if I could help him with something and he simply said “I just wanted to say, you look amazing and wanted to tell you”. He was a little embarrassed which I found quite amusing.

I wanted to give you a little bit of information about me, and my personal experience. I am now 61 years of age and when I get a decent, up to date photo I will add it. You know what its like, we are never happy with photos are we.
I have no idea how many people have looked at this, I have only had this website for a few weeks and still finding my way around.
I am still keen to stay fit and healthy, I do not run any more, but I like to walk between 40 and 45 miles per week. I will be posting simple recipes, juices that work well and may help others. If anyone out there wants to get in touch, feel free to drop me an email. spenceralison367@gmail.com